A journey into the world of skin needling from two of the world’s leading authorities on the subject and, in the case of Dr Fernandes, the pioneer of the technique for regenerating skin and improving scars.
Accessible science at its best! Remarkable pictures of actual case studies from the doctors’ own practices fill the book with hard to believe evidence of the simple procedure that can improve scars until they are almost invisible and reverse aging of the skin.
This book is for anyone who has ever wondered how the process works and whether it is for them or not. It is not suitable for skin specialists – it’s written as a simple guide for the general public.
200X200 mm
87 pages
ISBN: 978-0-9576681-8-8

Dr Des Fernandes of Cape Town, South Africa is a world-leading plastic and reconstructive surgeon. He first described the method for Collagen Induction Therapy and used his in-depth knowledge of the beneficial effects of Vitamin A on the skin to develop the Environ Skin Care products, which are now sold around the world. In the past he worked as a Registrar for Dr Christian Barnard during the first heart transplant at Groote Schuur Hospital in Cape Town.
M.B. B.Ch. (Witwatersrand); F.R.C.S.(Edin)

Dr Matthias Aust MD, Associate Professor is one of the leading researchers in the field of anti-aging medicine, his experimental and clinical research focuses on skin regeneration, rejuvenation, wrinkle and scar treatment by skin needling and other strategies in anti-aging medicine.
Dr Aust is an award-winning Plastic Surgeon:
2004:1st poster prize of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Plastische und Wiederherstellungschirurgie
[German Society of Plastic and Restorative Surgery]
2010: 1st study prize to support research into the treatment of severe burn scarring with medical needling, CICATRIX e.V. – Society for People with Burns and Scars www.cicatrix.de
2011: Honorary member of the South African Society for Dermatological Surgery
2014: Best of Europe, awarded by VDÄPC
2015: Fiona Wood passion award

Jennifer Munro is an author and marketing expert. Her long-standing friendship with Dr Fernandes has made it possible for her to interpret his research in a user-friendly way.

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